Does My Company Need a 409A Valuation?
Have you heard of IRC Section 409A and wondered if it applied to your company? Do you think you might be in need of a 409A valuation but are unsure?
Most entrepreneurs have never heard of IRC Section 409A , if you haven’t then check out…
My company is based outside of the United States, do I need to worry about IRS Section 409A?
Are you looking to hire a U.S. citizen? Are you thinking of opening an office in the U.S.? If you answered yes to either of these questions and are considering issuing deferred compensation (for example stock options or restricted stock units)…
What certifications are required to be qualified to issue a 409a valuation?
Are there mandatory certifications? Can anyone issue a 409a valuation?
There are no mandatory certifications to perform a 409A valuation, but the IRS does require that an appraiser have significant knowledge, experience, education and training.…
Do Employees Have to Worry About 409A Penalties?
Sadly, yes. We have covered in other articles the importance of companies meeting safe harbor requirements for 409A by getting a qualified third party 409A valuation, but this regulation is also of great concern to employees. The implications…
409A Valuation Report Template
There is really no ‘template’ for a 409A valuation. Section 409A came into being in 2007 and a cottage industry has sprung up to satisfy the reporting requirements, but the IRS has not given a lot in the way of definitive guidelines of what…
I’m Ready To Get a 409A Valuation. What Documents Do I Need to Provide?
You will need to provide a fairly extensive list of documents. The following is an overview of what you will be expected to provide to fullfill 409A valuation requirements. It is not necessarily an exhaustive list, as your appraiser may ask…
What Information is Required for a 409A Valuation?
To perform a 409A valuation, it is important that we get a full and complete picture of your company. We are calculating how much someone would pay for 1 share of common stock, so we seek to understand all the key facts that an investor would.
Why Do I Need To Get An IRC Section 409A Valuation?
Business owners often think they have a very good idea of the value of their company – after all, they live it on a daily basis. However, a business owner (public or private) is required to go beyond his own best guess of the company’s…
Where Did IRC Section 409A Come From?
Internal Revenue Section 409A was the government’s response to events that happened over a decade ago leading up to the collapse of Enron, an energy and commodities company headquartered in Houston, Texas. Enron’s name has been immortalized…